REQUEST - Renovation through quality chains and energy performance certification standards

REnovation through QUality supply chains and EPC STandards

What REQUEST is about:

Our project aims to increase the uptake of low carbon renovation measures in residential properties across Europe for all ownership tenures.

The REQUEST project focus is on key barriers to action for property owners: easy access to qualitative EPC recommendations and a reliable quality installer or range of professionals.

The objective is to provide national and regional agencies across the EU with a set of tried and tested tools and techniques which can be used to promote to:

- DWELLING OWNERS an integrated customer journey that leads from EPC information to low carbon action
- PROFESSIONALS INVOLVED IN RENOVATION an integrated supply chain with mutual recognition of the roles of the various trades, professions and disciplines involved and where quality, professionalism and confidence in the outcome for the dwelling owner are paramount.

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) provides information and recommendations about what could be done in a home. For this information to be turned into proper action, the customer needs to be provided with qualitative EPC recommendations and access to a reliable quality installer or range of professionals.

REQUEST strives to address this by:

Enabling different trades and professions to work together to deliver low carbon renovations

Motivating homeowners or landlords to invest in property renovations whether in response to EPC recommendations or through other means

REQUEST has a unique focus on the link between supply and demand side of low carbon renovations

Target groups

The REQUEST project's success depends on reaching 4 different target groups:

DEMAND SIDE - Individual householders and the multi-residential building owners/managers
SUPPLY SIDE - Building professionals and their trading organizations
REGULATORS AND FACILITATORS - Energy agencies / government / experts in research institute, universities, engineering firms,...

All target groups will benefit from this project since it aims to increase both quc ntity and quc lity of renovation projects and to enhance between existing initiatives.

Key objectives of REQUEST

- Establish an inventory of tools, techniques and schemes for promoting uptake on EPC recommendations and access to an integrated supply chain for low carbon renovation
- Develop tools & strategies for stimulating & promoting action on EPC recommendations
- Provide a new, replicable, mechanism for quality assured low carbon renovations
- Test and measure the impact of the theoretical framework by means of national pilot projects

Expected results

30 quality schemes and procedures identified in 15 EU MS and 5 other countries
Summaries of best practice on communication of EPC recommendations and quality schemes for the renovation supply chain
Two scenarios for promoting the uptake of EPC recommendations by building owners
Two sets of targeted information - one for building owners, one for building professionals
Actively engaged energy agencies in at least 15 EU Member States
20 workshops delivered attended by 400 building professionals (craftsmen)
100 craftsmen using the quality standards
10 national pilots completed, results analysed to inform on direct energy and carbon saved from the pilots

Project details

Duration:   April 2010 - November 2012
Coordinator:    Emilie Carmichael - Energy Saving Trust (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
National contact:    Marlies Van Holm - VITO (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Austria Austrian Energy Agency, AEA
Belgium Flemish Institute of Technological Research, VITO
Bulgaria Energy Efficiency Agency, EEA
Denmark Aalborg University, AAU/SBi
Germany German Energy Agency, dena
Greece Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, CRES
Italy Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment, ENEA
Poland Polish National Energy Conservation Agency, КАРЕ
Portugal Portuguese Energy Agency, ADENE
Slovakia Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency, SIEA
UK Energy Saving Trust, EST