BUILD UP Skills Bulgaria 2030 - Roadmap for training and qualification on the implementation of intelligent energy efficient solutions in buildings in Bulgaria until 2030


BUILD UP Skills Bulgaria 2030 - Roadmap for training and qualification on the implementation of intelligent energy efficient solutions in buildings in Bulgaria until 2030

Within the framework of the "BUILD UP Skills" initiative of the EU LIFE program, a consortium consisting of Center for Energy Efficiency EnEffect (coordinator), Sustainable Energy Development Agency (SEDA), National Agency for Vocational Education and Training (NAVET), Bulgarian Construction Chamber (BCC) and the Bulgarian Association for Construction Insulation and Waterproofing (BACIW) is implementing the project "Roadmap for training and qualification on the implementation of intelligent energy-efficient solutions in buildings in Bulgaria until 2030." (BUILD UP Skills Bulgaria 2030). The project is a continuation of the previous initiative of the same name (2011-2013), which led to a number of changes in the state educational standards in the construction sector, offering an integration of the efforts of those involved in the construction sector and the national education system. Its leading objective is to support the improvement of the knowledge and skills of construction professionals and workers to build zero-carbon buildings in line with the expected amendments to the directives on energy efficiency (COM/2021/558 final), the energy performance of buildings (COM(2021) 802 final), and renewable energy sources (COM/2021/557 final) under the Fit-for-55 legislative package.

Within the framework of the project, the National Platform for Dialogue will be restored to form the basis of a comprehensive process for consultation and interaction of all participants in the field of construction and related professional training (professional associations and chambers, associations of manufacturers in the industry, centers for vocational training, public authorities, etc.). A detailed investigation of the current situation will be conducted, including:

1) Analysis and evaluation of the national continuing education system in the construction sector and the extent to which it meets the needs for additional skills for the implementation of EE and RES measures in buildings;

2) Analysis and assessment of national policies to achieve the goals of the National Energy and Climate Plan (including the expected contribution of the construction sector) and the national long-term building renovation strategy;

3) identification of barriers, as well as the market demand for training, qualified teachers and measurable data for the needs of a qualified workforce by 2030.

On the basis of this research, a National Roadmap for training and qualification on the implementation of intelligent energy efficient solutions in buildings in Bulgaria until 2030 will be prepared, which will then be proposed for endorsement by the responsible institutions and interested parties, with the corresponding commitments for the implementation of the specific set of measures and tasks. The ultimate goal of the project is to establish the Roadmap as a valuable tool for achieving national goals in the field of energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and climate change, as well as the ambitious EU goals reflected in the European Climate Law and the corresponding institutional, regulatory and a financial framework, with a focus on the Renovation Wave initiative.

The project starts on October 1, 2022 and has a duration of 18 months. For additional information -Center for Energy Efficiency EnEffect (project coordinator), tel: +359 2 963 17 14.

BUILD UP Skills – Bulgaria – Analysis of the National Status Quo