Project Kids4Future
Creating Actions among Energy Conscious Children Combining Education, Communication and Energy Knowledge in an Integrated Approach for a Sustainable Future (Kids4Future)
The project is developed under the framework of the program “Intelligent Energy for Europe”.
The project started on 01.01.2007, has duration 3 years and will be finalized on 31.12.2009. Coordinator is Norwegian energy agency Enova and in the consortium participate energy agencies from Greece, Finland, Spain, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Sweden, Belgium and Bulgaria. The project is financed 48.5% from the European Commission through the program “Intelligent Energy for Europe”.
Partners in the project development are 22 Bulgarian schools from 21 Bulgarian towns.
Main Tasks on the project are following:
1.Providing high quality pedagogic tools and engaging and fun energy activities to make energy more interesting and learning more fun for the children in 3, 4 and 5 class.
2.Organizing national “Rainmakers” slogan competition between 22 schools and award prizes the winners.
3.Distribution to the children on the 3 parts on the Energy story – about the “Rainmakers” – fun story on how to save the planet Jonnia and our own planet, developing on website for children with information regarding EE, renewable energy sources and sustainable development using web based films, games, test and diploma, training materials and informational materials (brochures, leaflets, newsletters).
The project was successful finalized on 31.12.2009