Project IEE BEHAVE - "Evaluation of Behavior Change Programs"

Project IEE BEHAVE - "Evaluation of Behavior Change Programs"

 “BEHAVE” Project is started on 12. 10. 2006 in the framework of and supported by the “Intelligent Energy – Europe” EU Program. The project team consists of the following national energy agencies:

Ademe-France, ADENE-Portugal, AEA-Austria, CRES-Greece, DENA-Germany, EEA-Bulgaria, EIHP-Croatia, ENOVA-Norway, EST-United Kingdom, IDEA-Spain, Motiva-Finland, SenterNovem-the Netherlands (Project coordinator) and STEM-Sweden.

The following direct outcomes and results are successfully reached by the end of the project contract period (April 2009):

Policy makers in all MS are aware of the potential of energy saving by targeting consumers.

Policy makers in all MS have basic knowledge on the policy instruments that are available to use in behavioral change programs aimed at consumers.

Energy Agencies on national, international and local level are familiar with guidelines for developing effective behavioral change programs aimed at consumers.

Approximately 150 professionals in the development and implementation of energy-related behavior change programs are trained to develop and implement effective behavioral change programs.

Consensus on a framework for evaluation of consumer-oriented behavioral change programs and projects in EU member states.

Analyzed and structured information on best practices on energy-related behavioral change programs for consumers.

Dissemination of basic knowledge on the possibilities of behavioral change of consumers to key actors (energy agencies, local, regional and national governments) in EU member states.

Extension of the existing body of knowledge with the results of recent programs and projects in this area.

Extension of the existing body of knowledge with new policy instruments and the focus on specific target groups.

Insight into the effectiveness of these new instruments and of addressing specific target groups.

The Project Guidelines “Changing energy behavior” aimed at all future Energy related Programs, were edited and printed in 1000 copies in Bulgarian language, in addition to their edition in all EU basic languages - English, German, French and Spanish.