Optimisation of Support Schemes for Renewable Energy Sources for Electricity Generation, Heating and Cooling (SUPPORT_ERS).
The SUPPORT_ERS project contributes to the reduction of administrative barriers for the use of RES in the new EU member states and candidate countries, shows political decision makers in the new EU member states and candidate countries options to support RES-H, and increases the awareness of regional stakeholders for the benefits of RES. SUPPORT_ERS was implemented from 01 November 2007 to 31 May 2010. The consortium consists of 12 partners. Ministries and national energy agencies with a direct link to RES policy processes form the core of the consortium. A network of municipalities and a European interest group are involved in order to ensure the link to the regional level and to the European RES industry. SUPPORT_ERS helps to optimise support mechanisms to speed up RES market development and to intensify the cooperation among political decision makers and policy consultants in energy agencies to meet the ambitious RES targets of 2010 and 2020.
Main activities:
• Detailed information on administrative barriers for RES in the new member states and candidate countries in the consortium.
• Checklist for institutions on how to reduce administrative barriers for RES incl. best-practices.
• Recommendations to policy makers on options to support RES-H.
• Regional RES training modules (incl. planning aspects) and 7 regional seminars in the new member states and candidate countries – in Bulgaria the seminar took place in Sofia on 19 April 2010.
Distribution on the elaborated book “Renewable Energy in Europe – marked, trends and technologies” from the European Renewable Energy Council, with the support from all partners.
The project was successfully finalized on 31.05.2010.